Every living creature apart from the physical body and the energy body there. It is due to the energy matrix, the information of which is strictly individual and it is contained in the DNA molecule. This matrix is in the process of human growth and development of energy determines the frames, the size and relative location of all organs and body parts. Any deviation from this matrix - is a departure from the norm of the human being. This leads to the dysfunction of the body, i.e. the disease. Moreover, the energy frame body and the body itself - a tough bunch of feedback. This means that any change in the body frame energy leads to a change of the body and vice versa. To cure a diseased organ, it is necessary to restore its energy matrix and to clean it of negative energy, t. E. Energy, containing information about the disease. A person with a powerful energy and is able to translate it through itself, is able to 'self-heal from many diseases or to treat other people.
For the physical body, we try to follow, but the energy level of the vast number of people is extremely low. A person with a low level of energy in trying to treat others and the inability to replenish it often ', then he falls ill, as his immune system dramatically weakened. This leads to the fact that it can receive information from their disease same patient. After all, the same "Koch bacillus" exist everywhere, but cancer cells are found in every organism. But the immune system of a healthy person to avoid the negative consequences of this.
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