The energy of all the organs, body parts and systems not only permeates the entire body, but also comes out, forming a cocoon around the person's energy. Ideally it should be egg-shaped. But if for some reason the body weakened, its power becomes less than normal, and there is a biofield "failure", the proportional reduction in body energy. Similarly, increased body activity causes an increase in the bio-field in place of its anatomical location. That is, almost every person has a biological field strain. For these strains identified clairvoyance or any dowsing method can determine the condition of each body or body part. By the way, now there are tools that allow to see it.
With skillful bioenergetic impact of the diseased organ, so to speak, it returns to normal functioning. Accordingly, changes and deformation biofield. But there is a more simple and less efficient method of curing body - effect on the deformation caused by the state authority. A good example is the so-called "astral" surgery for kidney omission. After the "astral" rassekaniya all tissue layers, preventing access to the kidney, produced the rise and consolidation of kidney biofield. Thereafter, for some time there is a rise kidney itself until complete alignment with its normal bio-field.
Every cell in the human body - is "thinking" being, of course, on your cellular level. In the pathology of any organ it is permeated with the energy of the information about the condition. That is, the body cells are already subject to information, "it does not work properly." If it is removed from the patient's body and fill it with the energy of the information "how to work", it is a return to normal cell functioning. Of course, this is not an instant process, but if there was no cell death, they have to "reassigned."
The advantage of the energy-information influence on patient body compared with conventional medication is that there is a struggle in this case not with the investigation, and with reason. After all, if an organ or gland does not secrete enough of the necessary components for the existence of the body and are administered in the form of pills or other drugs, most often weakened body functions more atrophy. Why? The answer is simple. And why should he strain and readjust, if at the slightest request (pain, discomfort) introduced the finished product of his activity? Not to mention that most of the medication may adversely affect the operation of certain organs. Thus, the elimination of the negative information of the identified lesions in the brain will eliminate patients from chronic headaches, epilepsy (in some cases), the disease Horton ( "budilnikovaya disease"), after numerous unsuccessful attempts to achieve this by conventional methods.
Let's go back to the effects of adverse impacts on human biofield. If one person feels towards another anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, and so on. E., From him separated bundle of energy, carrying negative information such as "to your feet pootsyhali ',' want you drunk," and so on. N. If a person's energy, which is directed to such emotions, powerful enough, it will just reflect the thought-form. Moreover, any bundle of energy, separated from the human, has characteristics unique to that person and being reflected biofield "victim", will return to his "master", giving it thus the information that it carries. Weaker biofield not able to reflect the "stranger," and he clings to him like a burr to clothing. Next is the introduction of this information into the subconscious, and the body begins to rebuild its functions already given this information.
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