Healing powers
Everything in life has a meaning, and our task is to work together to develop this sense. The best treatments are those that help the life force to resume its internal healing work. Everyone has the potential to self-healing, which takes care of the mental and physical balance. We are constantly connected with space, the divine energy healing or with the flow of life. Thus, the healing occurs through the inspirations coming from the higher consciousness or higher self. The Spirit of God is present in every human being. However, for various reasons, the harmony can be disturbed and malfunction will occur such disease.
Passing a course that will lead to a change in attitudes and behavior, the patient is often unable to regain harmony and even recover. This will help the life energy that rises in direct contact with the healer (represented by Sensei, asking for healing, treating the imposition of hands of the person), treatment at a distance from the physically present spiritual healer of the subtle world. There is no cure for which this divine life energy would not have touched the soul.
In general we can say that the spiritual healing help can come from staying in the other world, of more advanced beings from the spirit world, or from higher levels of consciousness, namely, from terrestrial and extraterrestrial spiritual healers. We can say, a kind of healing takes place in the region. spiritual healing methods should guide and supervise other spiritual intelligences.
Healer - whether he is physically present or spiritual is the channel through which divine energy flows. This occurs optimal activation of the patient's healing energy.
It is, in other words, means that through the power of thought and prayer offered or transferred to the love of God.
In principle, every person is a healer, because each person can pass through itself and send divine energy or pure power of healing to other people or beings. Just think of the mother, which is mechanically starts stroking the place of the child, which he bruised, and holds it thus "healing session". His stroking it seeks to do nothing more than an intuitively close damaged etheric body.
Spiritual power and love to help at all levels, if it is provided and recorded the great, the book of fate. Therefore, the healer should never promise anything. Therefore let us not expect any miracles, but miracles can always happen and happen. If the treatment and realized the "miracle" occurs and healing, we will not forget that never heals the healer, and He cures through the healer.
Healing energy - is a powerful and eternal power: constant creative force not only in the service of the individual, but of all mankind.
So sensentivy can provide installation of healing not only the individual, but a whole group of people, the whole city or a country that is in dire straits. Space, animal and plant life, the world of minerals also gratefully and willingly accept these healing powers.
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