воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.

Health - physical, mental and spiritual harmony

Health - physical, mental and spiritual harmony

When we are sick, the true cause of the disease should be considered disharmonious our spirit. We know that man is something more than just a physical body. It exists in a variety of body consciousness. Good health means a state of physical, mental and spiritual harmony. The body itself is absolutely not involved in the origin of the disease; it only reflects the impact of conflict or imbalance between the different levels of consciousness or our psyche. The healer is trying to help its channel to restore the balance of the energy system.
It would be wrong to think that every time any disease in need of spiritual healing. If the higher "I" feel that it was time to go to another world, then no will of man can resist it.
Only God knows the last answer, so we can try to learn more about themselves and to pray for others, to them it was way better for them, and so, as stated in the plan of God. Many, including complex diseases can be cured quickly. A simple problems may require more effort. We understand that every disease, and contains some sort of lesson.

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