Heal your body and spirit
The human subconscious - a storehouse of knowledge. All information received by our senses, all the thoughts and feelings are born in it. There are hidden opportunities and our super-sensible, the whole experience of our former lives. Here to learn how to use all of it all the time and in full force, then each of us felt like a superman. Yes, the subconscious mind is very powerful, but, alas, not on friendly terms with our mind.Noticed that the best thing it hears and sees our requests in a state polubodrstvovaniya - half-sleep, when the brain is less likely prevents the subconscious, not jamming it "a herd of his thoughts." This - the first one. In addition, the subconscious - there is a simple and straightforward, understands everything literally. If he was to repeat: "I do not want to hurt anymore," it can only catch "more hurt", and you'll be even more hurt. You need to say clearly and definitely what you want. For example: "I feel great!", "I am every day better and better," etc. This - the second. Therefore, "to work on a" best before going to sleep or just waking up, being already or still dormant. Then it is necessary to impress the subconscious many times the same thing - and you get what you want.
The mood for the subconscious mind: "I - a rich, I - decent, I love you, I'm full (full of) love, worthy (worthy) of love and loved (love). I'll do all, and get the full monty. All I need to know, is open to me. Everything I need comes to me in perfect temporal and spatial sequence. Life brings me joy and love. I am healthy (healthy) and complete (full) power, youth power. I do well in everything, what I do. I wish to change and to grow spiritually. "
That is why the psychologists and psychiatrists, and for many centuries before them - yogis and saints - taught and continue to teach the people: "Think positive! Throw the head of dill and evil! Think about the light! "The American parapsychologist D. Sage explains that the idea should be considered a special kind of energy that affects the state of our body and soul. Therefore, they can be called psychophysical energy. This energy is born every day in our brain, it spreads inside the body all the organs and systems, and radiates outward.
The idea - a force that compels us to act. Positive, good thoughts give rise to Welcome. The evil or indifferent open the door to evil. Listen to the opinion of Sage: in 77 years, he has cured himself from all the diseases and on the basis of their experience wrote a best-selling book "Living to 100".
"The energy of thought always carries some information, clothed in mental images or thought-forms, as they are called from the XIX century theosophists The name came because any thought -. It is not just an idea, it is always fused with a sense That's how people, he can not. think dispassionately
That is why the wish someone harm or disaster can lead to the fact that the man himself gets into a situation where, being unable to resist the circumstances, would be their victim.
The same thing happens with positive thoughts. They lead to good results, because literally attract positive circumstances and events. But some circumstances little. It should be very strongly want something to wish. And that means a strong desire? So invest in their desire to a lot of energy. If a person thinks about chem-to constantly, day and night, eager to chego-to, desire to be materialized (it actually takes shape in the astral world) and "leads us on the trail" - to those situations in which the the desire to be fulfilled sooner or later. Therefore, we can safely say: "The idea - is a form of energy, by which we build our destiny." He who often thinks about their illnesses, troubles, often speaks about it in the end and they naklichet.
Common ailments if they constantly think about, turn into chronic, and chronic beginning to escalate. Thus, according to ayurveda specialist D. Chopra he writes that he saw thousands of patients in preinfarction condition. In the family, which was dominated by benevolence, positive emotions, the sick were healed, and ruled by brutality and anger, which are constantly talking about the disease, the patients died.
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