воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.

Communication between two worlds

Communication between two worlds

The world of matter - it's just part of our life on earth. We, our guardian angels, spiritual guides and helpers live in a certain space. It is designed so that the earthly and the spiritual worlds penetrate each other, mingle with each other, interact harmoniously with each other and dissolve into each other. One of the phenomena of nature - the ability of water to enter the aggregation state of ice, water and vapor - may serve as an example of this. In death we only manifest a different side of our consciousness and cease to feel in a physical body - that is, we are moving into another form of existence. After death, we as a physical being with his consciousness automatically enter the spiritual world, we become invisible to the physical eyes, we continue to exist in the subtle matter the soul-spirit-body, in our part of the developed consciousness or astral body. It also consists of matter, perhaps more subtle, a bit different "density", one might say, of other forms of existence. Remembering about the new kinds of pictures that can capture the astral body or soul, we understand that the soul and spirit in accordance with the fact that they are in some way
material, have a '' physical 'weight. Between levels, mind and soul, as well as between our physical and mental experiences is a constant exchange.

In its material and spiritual parts of consciousness tends to further increase, in the world of extraterrestrial helpers and mentors are also growing, increasingly showing their willingness to help us.
Based on their "aggregate state" and more or less developed consciousness they convey to us through the subtle sense of their messages.

Spirit may from time to time, if it can do, it is absolutely clear to us to know about his message to his aid. This is possible only under unusual circumstances. It's not as easy as on the phone.

Can you imagine how much harder it is done purely spiritual relationship in which we are talking about two completely different contact levels or dimensions of existence? Sens must clothe thoughts and feelings into words, should give them a verbal form, which is a picture as a representation or symbol has its origin in the minds of the informant.
In the spiritual world do not communicate verbally, but through thought energy (telepathy way).

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