воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.
Useful life skills that can be Hypnosis is just a way of relaxation and a temporary suspension of the conscious part of the mind, at the same time activating the subconscious mind, allowing the promptings communicate directly with the subconscious mind of the subject and the subject to act in accordance with the proposed suggestions with greater ease and efficiency.Hypnosis can be described by the following formula:
Distractions + Faith + = Waiting GipnozPoleznye life skills that can be
obtained by using hypnotherapy, covering all aspects of life. With hypnotherapy you can:
1. It is better to relax and get rid of stress.
2. Zoom and focus concentration.
3. Activate the memory capacity ( "giperneziya").
4. Improve unconscious reactions.
5. To feel more confident in yourself.
6. To control the pain.
7. To improve sex life.
8. Raise the degree of organization and efficiency.
9. To strengthen the motivation.
10. To establish a personal relationship.
11. Slow down the aging process.
12. To facilitate the professional growth.
13. Get rid of anxiety and depression.
14. To overcome the severity of losses.
15. Eliminate headaches, including migraine.
16. To cure allergic reactions and skin disorders.
17. To strengthen the immune system and its ability to resist diseases.
18. Eliminate bad habits, phobias and other negative tendencies (addictions).
19. Strengthen determination.
20. Increase the level of the people and circumstances that you are attracting into your life.
21. Increase the ability to make a profit and to find support in money.
22. Get rid of the obsession and compulsive patterns in behavior.
23. To improve the comprehensive quality of your life.
24. To develop inner awareness and psychic abilities - to extrasensory perception, meditation, to astral travel (out of body experience), telepathy, connection to the superconscious, and so on.
25. free from the fear of death by looking at their past and future lives.
26. To attract and bring their eternal spiritual companion.
27. Establish and maintain the harmony of body, mind and spirit.
Spiritual strength
Spiritual strength
The value of spiritual power
What can we do without the spiritual power? Nothing, because without it we can not even exist, it is part of us, our divine spark, life. Only through this of spiritual, the supreme spiritual power with it, and we ourselves can move spiritually to all higher consciousness, towards the light, all the better to distinguish between good and bad, as long as we're just going again. Is there no ethics because we again realize that all living beings as earthly and super- or extraterrestrial, are still on the way, everyone in the movement and in every time?
Spiritual clairvoyance is also influenced by the position of the spirit. This position is expressed simply: "Thy will be done" because in spite of all human discoveries and the progress of the last word always was, fortunately, remain God. If you, dear readers and dear readers, is now specify that you can more easily develop their mental strength in the religious and spiritual or philosophical context, do it
It is important not to look down upon those who believe that you can do without a philosophical and religious assistance. Remember the words: "To each his own master, because who are you to judge the servant of another, he will stand or fall before his own master?".
Intuition and intellect
Intuition and intellect
We are faced with reduced perception of our intellect and boundless intuition. Intuition Development - a manifestation of the spirit world. Intuition gets right to the heart of things, immediately and accurately make decisions.Consider our intelligence solely as a tool for teaching and research. It helps us to find out the circumstances, to clear the way and organize a healthy human mind experiences as long as does not break his way intuition. Healthy intelligence monitors what is happening in the mind and heart, trying to eliminate the negative, as well as to maintain a positive and healing. When he realizes his spiritual synchronous communication with the root cause, we can assume that we are spiritual currents, endlessly carrying us light and knowledge. On this basis, we feel intuition: a spark of insight or direct knowledge, which is found in the depths of his being.
The spiritual world is infinitely wide and unlimited. In your mind, you can move beyond space and time, travel on
light and depending on your personal state of mind to encroach on the respective levels.
Contact with the oversoul own special kind of event. It is sure to make you feel love for love. Supersoul is far in the other world, after it has reached what is often called nirvana, and therefore no longer requires any reincarnation. And yet our oversoul of love flows to us. Meeting with our oversoul, we have to be very well grounded, open and fearless. However, this event is equally joyful and solemn: a long-awaited family reunion, but much deeper and more beautiful. The spiritual assistant is a point of reflection between the higher and lower "I", from the point of view of psychology; mediate between the two worlds - the world of earthly and subtle, spiritual world, in terms of duha.Nashi spiritual helpers and mentors connect the mental and emotional level with the level of spirituality, divine edinstva.Duhovnye leaders teach us to love, to the great Creator and devotion to him. Freedom of expression, self-sacrifice and love stand in the place of prejudice, selfishness, greed, hate, envy and narrow-mindedness. It affects our body - it becomes much healthier and satisfaction. Many people along the path of complete surrender of their own identity and the destruction of his ego, reach the level of pure consciousness "I" only temporarily. But these moments, and there are those moments that give life meaning and direction.Spiritual helpers and mentors - the messengers of God, mediators between us, the people, and the Great Spirit, assistants and leaders in the true sense of the word.
Consciously developing and regularly training our ability to extrasensory perception, we find that these messengers of God differ in their objectives and characteristics. Let us recall the different levels of consciousness, such as the astral, mental, causal or spiritual. Spiritual helpers usually exist on the astral and mental levels, spiritual leaders, on the other hand, have a higher consciousness, and this corresponds to the causal or spiritual level.
The main thing to remember is that each level of consciousness from the astral to the spiritual - is itself also polarized.
This means that in the morning till the evening in each frequency have different quality. The "higher" we go up, the more they are becoming more transparent, while "at the top" in the Great Spirit, all dissolved in unity.
It is possible that you will meet spiritual leader, whose task is to take you to one or two notches "back down." This way you will meet directly with a ladder of consciousness and get the momentum to again pay more attention to their spiritual development and learning, and here to distinguish salt from sugar.
All stretches into the light. Since there are people, we know that God's light and God's love in the end wins it all: after all, everything in nature is drawn to the light. Decisive is the fact that we will never forget about it and try to act, guided by the love of God, is getting closer and closer to approaching the spark of God.
Our senses
Our senses
Learning through the sensesOne of the most important roles at all levels of consciousness play our senses. The world of feelings makes us experience both physically and spiritually joy and pain. Here begins the "path of suffering and the knowledge of" human. If we develop "the plan", not only for our human will, we all manage without difficulty. Ignorance makes us go all the experience that is necessary for our development. If we do not understand, betray our spiritual home and brutally transgress the spiritual laws, then falling under the effect of the law of karma, that is, we are under the influence of cause and effect.
Recognizing our mistakes and passing the learning process, we again get rid of it. Making mistakes is allowed - it is even necessary and essential to our development. The only bad when we de barking these mistakes deliberately.
Staying in the small world of the mental spirit is involved in the creation of man on the physical level, accompanied by a nascent life in the womb and is connected at the time of the birth of the physical body of the child.
The path of human incarnation is from the air in the "gaseous" state through the element of water to the solid matter.
In the early years of developing the physical senses, they are the anchor for the spiritual body. In a period of growth, and runs parallel with
This encounter with the outside world is strengthened "the soil under your feet" and channel the spirit world is transformed into an elegant silver transactions, by which the soul mostly focused all unconsciously, being still in the country of fantasy and sleep as long as being in the spiritual world will be almost no "forgotten".
When the life of the school is preparing for us, the people, their first big test, we learn from the earthly level again to anchor the level of our true homeland, so as to cope with our lives here on earth, and to take a single image in which unite and complement each other's physical and spiritual. Intuitively, we meet with the polarity and see in practice that between black and white, there are many shades of gray.
The man and the different levels of his consciousness
The man and the different levels of his consciousness
We - the part of the cosmic body. As humans, we exist on two levels, we have a body and soul-spirit. Normally, we live simultaneously in both areas, although the social structure and education to some extent peculiar to the material level. So many still hardly aware of their existence in the soul and spirit. Both levels of life correspond to different states of consciousness, they shade into one another. The physical body in the spiritual has its equivalent. The spiritual body reacts to everything that happens with the physical. On the one hand, the super-consciousness, enjoying the subconscious mind controls the physical body. On the other, the spiritual body must repeat that the free will of man commands the physical body. The energy necessary for a person to these levels of being or consciousness, he draws from three dimensions:energy to the material measurement of supplies earthly power, for peace of measurement - the world of feelings and thoughts and the spiritual dimension -duhovnaya energy of the cosmos.
As to the material, and the soul-spiritual level of development processes occur. They are led by the energy of the higher consciousness, the Higher Mind or God. We, as a cell of God, in God. Just as the laws of the order is carried out among the people, from nature and the spiritual world has its own laws. All our human activities are performed according to plan. This plan is hidden in our spiritual "I" - the spark of God. From the duality of our existence - the opposite instincts, physical needs, instincts and impulses, there are drivers that make it possible to encourage and push forward the opening of our consciousness.
Communication between two worlds
Communication between two worlds
The world of matter - it's just part of our life on earth. We, our guardian angels, spiritual guides and helpers live in a certain space. It is designed so that the earthly and the spiritual worlds penetrate each other, mingle with each other, interact harmoniously with each other and dissolve into each other. One of the phenomena of nature - the ability of water to enter the aggregation state of ice, water and vapor - may serve as an example of this. In death we only manifest a different side of our consciousness and cease to feel in a physical body - that is, we are moving into another form of existence. After death, we as a physical being with his consciousness automatically enter the spiritual world, we become invisible to the physical eyes, we continue to exist in the subtle matter the soul-spirit-body, in our part of the developed consciousness or astral body. It also consists of matter, perhaps more subtle, a bit different "density", one might say, of other forms of existence. Remembering about the new kinds of pictures that can capture the astral body or soul, we understand that the soul and spirit in accordance with the fact that they are in some waymaterial, have a '' physical 'weight. Between levels, mind and soul, as well as between our physical and mental experiences is a constant exchange.
In its material and spiritual parts of consciousness tends to further increase, in the world of extraterrestrial helpers and mentors are also growing, increasingly showing their willingness to help us.
Based on their "aggregate state" and more or less developed consciousness they convey to us through the subtle sense of their messages.
Spirit may from time to time, if it can do, it is absolutely clear to us to know about his message to his aid. This is possible only under unusual circumstances. It's not as easy as on the phone.
Can you imagine how much harder it is done purely spiritual relationship in which we are talking about two completely different contact levels or dimensions of existence? Sens must clothe thoughts and feelings into words, should give them a verbal form, which is a picture as a representation or symbol has its origin in the minds of the informant.
In the spiritual world do not communicate verbally, but through thought energy (telepathy way).
Spirit is the supreme body
Spirit is the supreme body
Is not that the same spirit that invented, created, equipped with (and still continues to equip) the entire globe? Are we in a nutshell, in our microcosm, do not have unlimited abilities and qualities of the Great Spirit, whom we call God? If we allow divine power to the surface of our consciousness and lead the life, we will see that nothing can happen, what we could not manage in our world. We must banish all worries, fears, doubts, and learn to trust and flour.
The power that created the world, is a fundamental principle of life. Life is not a corporeal or tangible, life - is the spirit, and where the Spirit is, there is life. Your inner strength - a strength of mind, and you yourself are part of the Great Spirit, which makes you able to participate in the endless process of creation. At any time, you can address this incredible fortitude, make lo climb out of yourself to help you live.
Every person on this earth is to fulfill its mission. Thanks to the school of life we acquire different skills and apply them to, in turn, help others. Thus, each of us will be more use of the gift of the spirit and serve as a source of light for those who are still wandering in the dark. It all depends on our good will. If we are ready spiritually, then we open doors for our mission. No one can promise us that in life there will be difficulties, errors or pain. But we know exactly when it will happen, we will be able to overcome the barriers and obstacles, get rid of the trouble.
Are you ready to develop a high, deep and a great start, whether you are ready to ensure that the work on his personality?
Would you like to apply for support to the divine energy or divine beings who love you and are willing to help you in your improvement?
Achieving spiritual maturity is not easy. This proves to us the story. Truth and falsehood are at war with each other, until it reaches spiritual perfection. Develop your spiritual capabilities and you will become a separate and independent, find their own truth.
The world is arranged so that the path to spiritual maturity is more like a deserted narrow trail. The more well-known road signs we leave behind, the less people we meet on it. However, if we easily reached the summit of the mountain, why should we then have? All that is unique, difficult to achieve.
So, be aware that your own "I" - is the spirit, the soul, the divine, eternal.
Recognize the illusory nature of what you are "the body with the spirit." You "spirit with the body." Here begins the development of your spiritual essence, the fundamental meaning of earthly existence. Anyone who in accordance with their individual capacities ns develops and perfects his spiritual powers, who, like the blind and deaf, devoid of any sense.
Health - physical, mental and spiritual harmony
Health - physical, mental and spiritual harmony
When we are sick, the true cause of the disease should be considered disharmonious our spirit. We know that man is something more than just a physical body. It exists in a variety of body consciousness. Good health means a state of physical, mental and spiritual harmony. The body itself is absolutely not involved in the origin of the disease; it only reflects the impact of conflict or imbalance between the different levels of consciousness or our psyche. The healer is trying to help its channel to restore the balance of the energy system.It would be wrong to think that every time any disease in need of spiritual healing. If the higher "I" feel that it was time to go to another world, then no will of man can resist it.
Only God knows the last answer, so we can try to learn more about themselves and to pray for others, to them it was way better for them, and so, as stated in the plan of God. Many, including complex diseases can be cured quickly. A simple problems may require more effort. We understand that every disease, and contains some sort of lesson.
Healing powers
Healing powers
Everything in life has a meaning, and our task is to work together to develop this sense. The best treatments are those that help the life force to resume its internal healing work. Everyone has the potential to self-healing, which takes care of the mental and physical balance. We are constantly connected with space, the divine energy healing or with the flow of life. Thus, the healing occurs through the inspirations coming from the higher consciousness or higher self. The Spirit of God is present in every human being. However, for various reasons, the harmony can be disturbed and malfunction will occur such disease.
Passing a course that will lead to a change in attitudes and behavior, the patient is often unable to regain harmony and even recover. This will help the life energy that rises in direct contact with the healer (represented by Sensei, asking for healing, treating the imposition of hands of the person), treatment at a distance from the physically present spiritual healer of the subtle world. There is no cure for which this divine life energy would not have touched the soul.
In general we can say that the spiritual healing help can come from staying in the other world, of more advanced beings from the spirit world, or from higher levels of consciousness, namely, from terrestrial and extraterrestrial spiritual healers. We can say, a kind of healing takes place in the region. spiritual healing methods should guide and supervise other spiritual intelligences.
Healer - whether he is physically present or spiritual is the channel through which divine energy flows. This occurs optimal activation of the patient's healing energy.
It is, in other words, means that through the power of thought and prayer offered or transferred to the love of God.
In principle, every person is a healer, because each person can pass through itself and send divine energy or pure power of healing to other people or beings. Just think of the mother, which is mechanically starts stroking the place of the child, which he bruised, and holds it thus "healing session". His stroking it seeks to do nothing more than an intuitively close damaged etheric body.
Spiritual power and love to help at all levels, if it is provided and recorded the great, the book of fate. Therefore, the healer should never promise anything. Therefore let us not expect any miracles, but miracles can always happen and happen. If the treatment and realized the "miracle" occurs and healing, we will not forget that never heals the healer, and He cures through the healer.
Healing energy - is a powerful and eternal power: constant creative force not only in the service of the individual, but of all mankind.
So sensentivy can provide installation of healing not only the individual, but a whole group of people, the whole city or a country that is in dire straits. Space, animal and plant life, the world of minerals also gratefully and willingly accept these healing powers.
Heal your body and spirit
Heal your body and spirit
The human subconscious - a storehouse of knowledge. All information received by our senses, all the thoughts and feelings are born in it. There are hidden opportunities and our super-sensible, the whole experience of our former lives. Here to learn how to use all of it all the time and in full force, then each of us felt like a superman. Yes, the subconscious mind is very powerful, but, alas, not on friendly terms with our mind.Noticed that the best thing it hears and sees our requests in a state polubodrstvovaniya - half-sleep, when the brain is less likely prevents the subconscious, not jamming it "a herd of his thoughts." This - the first one. In addition, the subconscious - there is a simple and straightforward, understands everything literally. If he was to repeat: "I do not want to hurt anymore," it can only catch "more hurt", and you'll be even more hurt. You need to say clearly and definitely what you want. For example: "I feel great!", "I am every day better and better," etc. This - the second. Therefore, "to work on a" best before going to sleep or just waking up, being already or still dormant. Then it is necessary to impress the subconscious many times the same thing - and you get what you want.
The mood for the subconscious mind: "I - a rich, I - decent, I love you, I'm full (full of) love, worthy (worthy) of love and loved (love). I'll do all, and get the full monty. All I need to know, is open to me. Everything I need comes to me in perfect temporal and spatial sequence. Life brings me joy and love. I am healthy (healthy) and complete (full) power, youth power. I do well in everything, what I do. I wish to change and to grow spiritually. "
That is why the psychologists and psychiatrists, and for many centuries before them - yogis and saints - taught and continue to teach the people: "Think positive! Throw the head of dill and evil! Think about the light! "The American parapsychologist D. Sage explains that the idea should be considered a special kind of energy that affects the state of our body and soul. Therefore, they can be called psychophysical energy. This energy is born every day in our brain, it spreads inside the body all the organs and systems, and radiates outward.
The idea - a force that compels us to act. Positive, good thoughts give rise to Welcome. The evil or indifferent open the door to evil. Listen to the opinion of Sage: in 77 years, he has cured himself from all the diseases and on the basis of their experience wrote a best-selling book "Living to 100".
"The energy of thought always carries some information, clothed in mental images or thought-forms, as they are called from the XIX century theosophists The name came because any thought -. It is not just an idea, it is always fused with a sense That's how people, he can not. think dispassionately
That is why the wish someone harm or disaster can lead to the fact that the man himself gets into a situation where, being unable to resist the circumstances, would be their victim.
The same thing happens with positive thoughts. They lead to good results, because literally attract positive circumstances and events. But some circumstances little. It should be very strongly want something to wish. And that means a strong desire? So invest in their desire to a lot of energy. If a person thinks about chem-to constantly, day and night, eager to chego-to, desire to be materialized (it actually takes shape in the astral world) and "leads us on the trail" - to those situations in which the the desire to be fulfilled sooner or later. Therefore, we can safely say: "The idea - is a form of energy, by which we build our destiny." He who often thinks about their illnesses, troubles, often speaks about it in the end and they naklichet.
Common ailments if they constantly think about, turn into chronic, and chronic beginning to escalate. Thus, according to ayurveda specialist D. Chopra he writes that he saw thousands of patients in preinfarction condition. In the family, which was dominated by benevolence, positive emotions, the sick were healed, and ruled by brutality and anger, which are constantly talking about the disease, the patients died.
For body and soul Medicine
For body and soul Medicine
The body without a soul - a dead body. And if the soul has suffered, suffers and the body ( "bent his grief, '" he lost weight from depression "," he has an ulcer from stress "); conversely, if the sick body, and soul will respond ( "the illness of his embittered," "pain, he is not himself"); and, of course, the eternal: mens sana in corpore sano. And the medicine can not heal the body, if you will not take care of the soul, too. Then medicine necessarily lose. Even if it is progressive and super modern. It has long been known that children recover faster if there's Mom. It is known that the pain is stronger, if scary. A good anesthesiologist knows that if thoughtful, quietly, slowly, to talk with the patient before surgery and answer all the questions, the anesthesia will be held better chance of complications is less. But surgeons have long recognized that the more important and the process of nursing in the postoperative period. If we exclude from the treatment of cordiality, spirituality, psychology, only the most simple patient will be happy with the result, and every man arranged a little more complicated stools will be injured, even if the bones are fused, kidney stones removed, and cesarean operation was successful. If you do not think about the ethics and quality of communication with the patient, then it will develop distrust of doctors, fear of the hospital, and this can lead to a very unsympathetic neglected health problems, and will then be treated much more expensive and much more difficult to cure.
вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.
What is the treatment of bioenergy?
What is the treatment of bioenergy?
It is necessary to consider the human body as a single complex system, in which all functions are interrelated. Dowsing method available to you to identify the body all the energy deviation from the norm, and to determine whether the bio-field energy of others, "Aliens", which brought negative information (evil eye, corruption, and so on. D.), Check whether the polarity bionolya broken. At the end of the diagnosis to make bio-ensrgeticheskuyu correction of biofield, t. E. On the energy-plan to eliminate all unnecessary and add the missing. In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice - consider in detail the possible actions of bioenergy.
Of course, to deal with bioenergy therapy, you need to have your own energy level greater than normal several times. Otherwise, you can very quickly get the information of the patient. And if your hand does not go powerful energy flows, your passes near the patient's performance will not be more than a mere waving of hands, and the only result will be to discredit the direction of alternative medicine.
As is known, the energy of each human chakra different from each other in frequency and, respectively, the chromaticity. Warm energy sources (red, orange) activates processes in the body at the cellular level, cold (purple, blue, light blue) have a sedative effect. Therefore, we must learn to radiate from the palms and fingers of the energy needed for the color. Imagine that in humans there was some kind of a neoplasm or tumor of which the person has no idea. Acting on this tumor warm forms of energy, you can greatly enhance its growth, while cold species can suppress the negative processes and at the same time, the "burn" cold this tumor. And since the main principle of any kind of treatment, "Do no harm!", It is better to produce energy impact, for example, only purple.
Before treatment, make the necessary set of energy and prepare their own hands to work. Of course, there are many approaches, techniques and practices in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. I work with the patient I describe, based on his personal experience.
Ask the patient about the reasons that led it to you. It can be a pain in some organs or body parts, depression, weakness, conflict relations in the family or with some people, the constant string of bad luck, enuresis, stuttering, alcohol, or tobacco addiction, poor health in a particular room, and so on. etc. depending on the response received, it is necessary to pay special attention to some. | specific aspects.
Patient sits on a chair in the middle of the cabinet, thus providing the possibility of their moving around him. (If necessary, put it in front of him). Put a separate protection for the patient and for themselves, thereby reducing the possibility of information transfer disease. Getting the diagnosis by means of the frame (or other means of dowsing). The open palm of his left hand, as the antenna is directed to the patient's right hand frame aim at him like a gun, his mind (or out loud) ask the question: "Does someone else's energy pendant available from this man?" (Or "Do whammy there? "). If you receive a positive answer, you can find a series of specific questions, if you need it, the localization of the evil eye. Clarifying questions may be of the type: "Hex above the waist?" "The front?" "Against the back of the head?" And TD Having identified the location of this strange suspension, you can clearly presenting their long astral fingers on his right hand, embrace them this clot of a strange energy and pull it out of the biofield. Visualize on the floor beside you astral fire and burn it in the clot. Several of these actions are usually enough to get rid of the evil eye. Result you can check again by asking: "Is there evil eye?" And received the answer with the help of the frame. It is necessary to consider the human body as a single complex system, in which all functions are interrelated. Dowsing method available to you to identify the body all the energy deviation from the norm, and to determine whether the bio-field energy of others, "Aliens", which brought negative information (evil eye, corruption, and so on. D.), Check whether the polarity bionolya broken. At the end of the diagnosis to make bio-ensrgeticheskuyu correction of biofield, t. E. On the energy-plan to eliminate all unnecessary and add the missing. In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice - consider in detail the possible actions of bioenergy.
Of course, to deal with bioenergy therapy, you need to have your own energy level greater than normal several times. Otherwise, you can very quickly get the information of the patient. And if your hand does not go powerful energy flows, your passes near the patient's performance will not be more than a mere waving of hands, and the only result will be to discredit the direction of alternative medicine.
As is known, the energy of each human chakra different from each other in frequency and, respectively, the chromaticity. Warm energy sources (red, orange) activates processes in the body at the cellular level, cold (purple, blue, light blue) have a sedative effect. Therefore, we must learn to radiate from the palms and fingers of the energy needed for the color. Imagine that in humans there was some kind of a neoplasm or tumor of which the person has no idea. Acting on this tumor warm forms of energy, you can greatly enhance its growth, while cold species can suppress the negative processes and at the same time, the "burn" cold this tumor. And since the main principle of any kind of treatment, "Do no harm!", It is better to produce energy impact, for example, only purple.
Before treatment, make the necessary set of energy and prepare their own hands to work. Of course, there are many approaches, techniques and practices in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. I work with the patient I describe, based on his personal experience.
Ask the patient about the reasons that led it to you. It can be a pain in some organs or body parts, depression, weakness, conflict relations in the family or with some people, the constant string of bad luck, enuresis, stuttering, alcohol, or tobacco addiction, poor health in a particular room, and so on. etc. depending on the response received, it is necessary to pay special attention to some. | specific aspects.
Patient sits on a chair in the middle of the cabinet, thus providing the possibility of their moving around him. (If necessary, put it in front of him). Put a separate protection for the patient and for themselves, thereby reducing the possibility of information transfer disease. Getting the diagnosis by means of the frame (or other means of dowsing). The open palm of his left hand, as the antenna is directed to the patient's right hand frame aim at him like a gun, his mind (or out loud) ask the question: "Does someone else's energy pendant available from this man?" (Or "Do whammy there? "). If you receive a positive answer, you can find a series of specific questions, if you need it, the localization of the evil eye. Clarifying questions may be of the type: "Hex above the waist?" "The front?" "Against the back of the head?" And TD Having identified the location of this strange suspension, you can clearly presenting their long astral fingers on his right hand, embrace them this clot of a strange energy and pull it out of the biofield. Visualize on the floor beside you astral fire and burn it in the clot. Several of these actions are usually enough to get rid of the evil eye. Result you can check again by asking: "Is there evil eye?" And received the answer with the help of the frame.
The rules of gaining happiness
The rules of gaining happiness
Rule №1 - Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Self-pity - the worst possible emotion. It destroys everything succumbed to her, you feel helpless. Stop being a victim, stop to feel sorry for yourself and be happy.
Rule №2 - Be thankful
The modern world is full of hustle and bustle, and we are rarely grateful for the blessings he gives us. Right now think about all the things which you are grateful: family, health, home - everything. Be grateful every day and be happy.
Rule №3 - Most say "Yes"
All we say "No!" Too often. Try to say "YES!" To all the events in your life more often. Say "Yes" to emotions, situations, social events - and be happy.
Rule №4 - Follow your state of bliss
In life, we often find ourselves halfway upward on the stairs, which do not want to climb. It would be better for us to be at the bottom of the stairs, on which we have a desire to get involved. Who do you really want to become? Follow your state of "bliss" and be happy.
Rule №5 - Learn to let go
Emotions often prevent us to feel happiness and freedom. Remember that your emotions - it's not you. Let go of unwanted emotions, ask yourself: "Can I let this situation?". Do this and you will be happy.
Rule №6 - do good deeds
There are always two sides of kindness. Showing kindness, you feel happier and spread this feeling to someone else. Do more "random acts of kindness" each day - smile at someone, hold the door, buy someone a cup of coffee - and you'll be happy.
Rule №7 - Happiness is only possible now!
Many of us spend our lives being anywhere but not in the "present". We are obsessed with their past or their plans for the future, while actually there is only the present. Decide to be happy TODAY.
Rule №8 - Do not engage in hoarding, replenish life events.
Studies show that material goods (various shopping) make us happy for a short while only. Life is experience, and experience generally bring more joy. So, enjoy the holiday, going on safari, learn a new language, join a dance club - and you'll be happy.
Rule №9 - Appreciate the two sides of the coin
How often do we try to completely "dive" in happiness and sorrow reject? But both of these emotions are just different sides of the same coin. It is impossible to find one without the other. Sadness - vital phenomenon. Resist not these emotions and you will be happy.
Rule №10 - Be more sociable
Extensive studies have shown that the happiest and most successful people have a wide circle of contacts. How many friends do you have? Be more active, get more friends and you will be happier.
Rule №11 - Love More
The more you love, the happier you become. Try to give a little more love everything around you: friends, family, nature, even enemies - open your heart - give them love and be happy!
Rule №12 - Dream
Dreams - a "spark plug" your spirit. They help you move forward. What are you dreaming about? Think about it, write down your dreams. And then implement them, and you will be happy!
Rule №13 - Intent sets the direction
Usually, there is exactly what you would expect. If you do not know where you are going, any road will suit you. Therefore, let us know what the best of intentions for all that you do, and you will be happy.
Rule №14 - Look at everything from a distance and do not worry
We are often in a new begin to look at life, surviving the loss of a family member or serious illness. However, do not expect life to remind you about the main thing in this way. Think about the true priorities right now - be happy.
Rule №15 - Take all "as is"
Many of us spend time trying to deal with the fact that "there is." We are struggling with their own emotions, nurturing a rage and indignation. Right now, take everything "as is". Change the situation, if you can, but first, take it and be happy.
Rule №16 - Take charge and eat properly
You are so happy, as it allows your lifestyle. For optimum level of happiness try to walk every day for 40 minutes. Take supplements with Omega 3 - Eat more fish, nuts, cheese. Enjoy and be happy.
Rule №17 - Laugh, dance and smile!
Laugh madness in our lives. Arrange splashes of fun and enjoyment to the maximum. Surround yourself with happiness - beautiful music, dance lessons, evenings with friends. Smile and be happy.
Happiness is much easier than we think.
As you probably already figured out, it really does not depend on what happens in our world, but rather on what is happening inside us.
Each of us has the ability to accommodate the endless happiness, unless he wants to open itself to meet him.
Remember that the Sun is always shining. Continuing ...
The only point is that too many people look at the sky and see it on the gray clouds. They focus on all gloomy and sad. People immersed in negative emotions.
Use these "rules" - they are powerful techniques that will help you get rid of "gray clouds".
You will become more intelligent, more fulfilling, more successful and, of course, a happy man.
So now SMILE!
Law of attraction
Law of attraction
With it, everyone can become the master of your life. The main tenet of the Law of Attraction states: internal equal to the external. Think positively, and everything will work out. We think about the good - attract the best, and vice versa: the fate of Noah - are sitting on the beans.
The Law of Attraction is perfect, however, know all its not that simple mechanisms. But it works! If you believe that the Law of Attraction does not help, then you just have to learn how to use it.
Clear your mind of negativity. Bad idea - the main enemy. We must consciously and very determined approach to this issue. Negative beliefs can destroy all of our plans and hopes. Replace all the bad that is in mind, the positive!
Concretize the desire. We define what we want. The Law of Attraction does not like vague images. We need to accurately name all the details. For example, if we want money, you need to specify the amount. Required. So, let's sit down at the table and on a leaf of paper, write all what we want.
We begin to act! Ate you think that the Law of Attraction works by itself, you are deeply mistaken. Do not sit idly by, but rather think about what can be done to attract and accelerate the desired result. Companies going to the movies, meet new people ...
Now let go of the desire. The Law of Attraction starts to work when we let go of their feelings about the timing of execution of the dream. In no case can not be put in doubt the embodiment of desire.
The ability to have medical knowledge is not for everyone, but to engage in self-energy capable of every human being.
Suppose you have foot problems. Hence, they are already at the cellular level disturbances in some of the tissues. Accordingly, there were violations on the energy level, and present information on the processes that support this state. How can self-correct this negative information? Lying or sitting, his legs stretched out, imagine that you have appeared in the abdomen "pump". As you inhale, imagine that this pump through your toes draws in toes white liquid energy. This energy fills completely the legs and the lower part of the spinal column (the cause of leg disease may be there). As you exhale, imagine the pump pushes out through the fingers that energy down. But, since this white liquid captures black clots of negative energy from the sick parts of the legs, it becomes black. And this black liquid dripping from his fingers in the chute, which goes through the wall of the street. The next breath - again filling feet of white energy, breathing out - pushing it. And so over and over again for 10-15 minutes. Imagine that gradually black negative energy clots in the legs are reduced in size, and eventually disappear altogether, and the energy of the liquid coming out of the legs, gradually brightens, then becomes all white. The number of sessions is determined by the degree of deviation from the norm of your feet. Excess energy in such cleaning does not happen.
This technique feet treatment in patients allowed to not only heal those legs where there was some kind of irreversible processes, but also to restore dry out legs due to activation of cells and even to avoid operations in the wrong accrete fracture. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the definition of mental representation of the processes. For example, if you are lying sick because of illness feet, you should always present themselves running around, dancing and so on. D. This lays the necessary information in your brain, which the body converts to a certain biochemical processes.
The same principle can be used for self-treatment arm. Imagine a patient's hand in the form of hose dropped into a barrel with a white liquid energy, and "pump" is located in the shoulder. Similarly, while inhaling, imagine filling the hands of white power and eject clusters of negative energy from her breath.
If you have a broken limb, then the self-treatment of the energy in the energy washing it, you must submit the bone at the fracture site in the natural, is not damaged state. Of course, such treatment should be carried out in parallel with the usual medical treatment.
mental "ball" can be used in the case of the injured limb. This passes the ball carefully on the healthy limb, "memorizing" the path of the status of all the bones, ligaments, blood vessels and joints, and then it moves on the affected limb, handing her health information. This process is necessary to carry out repeatedly.
With self-treatment of back, you can use a variety of techniques. You can, for example, imagine your spine in a certain pipeline, which passes inspiratory flow of energy from the Earth into space, and on the exhale from space to Earth. Be clear, in this case of the spine are carried clots of negative energy, is the dissolution of salt deposits on the spine and vertebrae are white, clean and moving. Possible to use another technique. Imagine that you have someone inserts a red-hot rod from the top down, starting with the first thoracic vertebra to the coccyx. This pin is flexible, and if any of your inclinations it conforms to the shape of the spinal column. He puts the vertebrae in place and dissolves the salt deposits on them. Repeat this procedure several times every day.
For headaches, depending on their nature and causes, you can use different methods to address them. If you have high blood pressure and know that your headache is caused by high blood pressure, try to imagine yourself standing in the pouring rain. Streams of water flow through you from the top down, and falling under the clothes, causing discomfort and drain the legs into the ground. Very clearly imagine this state, feel it for ten minutes in a row. Thus, your imagination will create energetic rain that the power of your mind is moving downwards, dragging and fluids (blood, lymph) inside your body. Your blood pressure is clearly the work of your imagination is required to be reduced.
To reduce the pressure, you can also imagine that you are breathing through the skin of the whole body, sitting in the bath with water. Thus, you harmonize your inner pressure with the outside.
In order to reduce the rise in blood pressure, a course of respiratory exercises in one of the eastern system - a breath made through the protruding tongue, folded tube, after a maximum delay of breath - exhale through the nose.
To eliminate the headaches at an elevated pressure can be put in the right hand area of the heart for 3-5 minutes. left hand while lying on the shoulder of temper.
Under reduced pressure, imagine that you are in the open air and breathe the whole body through the skin.
Try it yourself to get rid of the headaches by eliminating their causes. After all, the use of tablets is only a struggle with the investigation with temporary success.
If your headache occurs in a specific location of the head, so it has some kind of violation. Whatever it may be (hematoma, broken capillaries, energy clot and so on. D.), Present in the place clot black negative anergy (eg, black ice ball). Make mental energy breath through the top of the head, accompanied by the flow of energy in the direction of the black ball and make it through the breath out. What will happen to the real icicles, if to blow a stream of hot air? It is made of thick becomes porous and will shrink in size. That's the same thing, imagine with each breath, exhale and clotted black energy in your head. As a result of the energy work on the head, you will reduce the available narusheg of there, and it is possible that will get rid of them completely. Rag zumeetsya, it will take more than one day.
The energy of all the organs, body parts and systems not only permeates the entire body, but also comes out, forming a cocoon around the person's energy. Ideally it should be egg-shaped. But if for some reason the body weakened, its power becomes less than normal, and there is a biofield "failure", the proportional reduction in body energy. Similarly, increased body activity causes an increase in the bio-field in place of its anatomical location. That is, almost every person has a biological field strain. For these strains identified clairvoyance or any dowsing method can determine the condition of each body or body part. By the way, now there are tools that allow to see it.
With skillful bioenergetic impact of the diseased organ, so to speak, it returns to normal functioning. Accordingly, changes and deformation biofield. But there is a more simple and less efficient method of curing body - effect on the deformation caused by the state authority. A good example is the so-called "astral" surgery for kidney omission. After the "astral" rassekaniya all tissue layers, preventing access to the kidney, produced the rise and consolidation of kidney biofield. Thereafter, for some time there is a rise kidney itself until complete alignment with its normal bio-field.
Every cell in the human body - is "thinking" being, of course, on your cellular level. In the pathology of any organ it is permeated with the energy of the information about the condition. That is, the body cells are already subject to information, "it does not work properly." If it is removed from the patient's body and fill it with the energy of the information "how to work", it is a return to normal cell functioning. Of course, this is not an instant process, but if there was no cell death, they have to "reassigned."
The advantage of the energy-information influence on patient body compared with conventional medication is that there is a struggle in this case not with the investigation, and with reason. After all, if an organ or gland does not secrete enough of the necessary components for the existence of the body and are administered in the form of pills or other drugs, most often weakened body functions more atrophy. Why? The answer is simple. And why should he strain and readjust, if at the slightest request (pain, discomfort) introduced the finished product of his activity? Not to mention that most of the medication may adversely affect the operation of certain organs. Thus, the elimination of the negative information of the identified lesions in the brain will eliminate patients from chronic headaches, epilepsy (in some cases), the disease Horton ( "budilnikovaya disease"), after numerous unsuccessful attempts to achieve this by conventional methods.
Let's go back to the effects of adverse impacts on human biofield. If one person feels towards another anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, and so on. E., From him separated bundle of energy, carrying negative information such as "to your feet pootsyhali ',' want you drunk," and so on. N. If a person's energy, which is directed to such emotions, powerful enough, it will just reflect the thought-form. Moreover, any bundle of energy, separated from the human, has characteristics unique to that person and being reflected biofield "victim", will return to his "master", giving it thus the information that it carries. Weaker biofield not able to reflect the "stranger," and he clings to him like a burr to clothing. Next is the introduction of this information into the subconscious, and the body begins to rebuild its functions already given this information.
понедельник, 22 февраля 2016 г.
Every living creature apart from the physical body and the energy body there. It is due to the energy matrix, the information of which is strictly individual and it is contained in the DNA molecule. This matrix is in the process of human growth and development of energy determines the frames, the size and relative location of all organs and body parts. Any deviation from this matrix - is a departure from the norm of the human being. This leads to the dysfunction of the body, i.e. the disease. Moreover, the energy frame body and the body itself - a tough bunch of feedback. This means that any change in the body frame energy leads to a change of the body and vice versa. To cure a diseased organ, it is necessary to restore its energy matrix and to clean it of negative energy, t. E. Energy, containing information about the disease. A person with a powerful energy and is able to translate it through itself, is able to 'self-heal from many diseases or to treat other people.
For the physical body, we try to follow, but the energy level of the vast number of people is extremely low. A person with a low level of energy in trying to treat others and the inability to replenish it often ', then he falls ill, as his immune system dramatically weakened. This leads to the fact that it can receive information from their disease same patient. After all, the same "Koch bacillus" exist everywhere, but cancer cells are found in every organism. But the immune system of a healthy person to avoid the negative consequences of this.
Disease prevention in terms of energy
Disease prevention in terms of energy
About prevention of physical health of many people know. But there are other, as for some reason very few people know, and not very engaged in it.
Before the disease on the physical level, there are always conditions on the thin, energy level, in the form of traffic jams, blackouts, or thinning of the aura in certain areas (high-risk areas - the chances of illness or injury in the affected areas are very high in the near future).
Symptoms that precede disease, injury, practicing meditative practice or just dealing with energy a person feels as congestion in certain parts of the body. The energy does not flow and there is very viscous, sticky, dirty, unpleasant.
Energy, psychics, etc. see the aura and problem areas, each at their own level and in different ways, depending on their nature, but also feel a kind of lock or dark, dirty stains.
The fact that any illness implies a certain psychological problem, you can read articles on psychosomatic medicine (science which studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and during the somatic (bodily) diseases).
But, let's go in order, check yourself.
Exercise to test their condition
It is recommended not to do for beginners and those who already know how to meditate, and went through some training in the field of energy:
energy flow
a smile to all - himself and the world;
slowly and deliberately prodyshites, clean the lungs of gravity;
Relax the whole body and mind;
free your mind, feel free;
connect to the energy of Heaven and Earth - so that they pass through you. Become an open channel of communication between heaven and earth;
Mix these flows in Anahata (the heart center);
then release the energy of this mixed-Heaven, Earth throughout the body, evenly distributing it, and try to keep your energy went beyond the physical body on 3-5 cm (optimally do with breathing);
Feel how the energy gets through the chakras, then feel the energy flowing through the hands and feet. If the same lightness throughout the body, it means you are using a fairly hard and rough energy. Make energy more softer and thinner until, until you start to feel the congestion in certain areas of the body - this is the initial assessment of where and what is wrong in your body.
So we find the problem area.
Having seen and felt the problem areas - is a lot easier to start their work and change on an ethereal level.
The addition of light, love, positive emotions in the problem area, with a desire to highlight the part of the body, put back a smile, joy, and be sure to love yourself and your body and fix this condition.
So what is energy-prevention and whether it is necessary?
Energy-prevention - this is a deliberate and daily work with their slender bodies and internal energy, and whether it is necessary - a person defines himself. In my opinion, this is akin to hygiene. But that's just my opinion ...
At the initial stage, to the tricks energozaryadki (energy-prevention) prodelyvat enough exercise every day, which I mentioned above. And, as a final chord, make sure all your body is filled with light and joy, love and to fix this condition.
For emotional cleansing:
All diseases are laid in the first place is not in the physical body. Therefore, from the mental and emotional problems it is also very important to be cleaned.
Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical ailments arise due to negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic, or with anger about someone thinks this is reflected in it the same.
For emotional cleansing
Even if you are very careful about the emotions you can get under the influence of a foreign energii.Tochno just as you can stain your physical body, can defile and emotional body. And even if you just talked to the negative or as they say in modern psychology, non-resource man who is permeated by fear, you can catch this mood. Like before, you lived peacefully, but then you also begin similar fears. It distorts the subtle body, and over time the problems start and on a physical level, and the complexity of life: people are attracted into your life a certain reality and, as a consequence, can not achieve anything in your career, personal life, and so on.
● Do not become dependent on memories. Memories we need as the implementation of a certain experience. If we tried to pass twice on the road and fell twice, because the hole in the middle, this means that for the third time is not necessary to go there. However, ordinary people often regrets about the past and dreaming about the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Most of the energy we pick up negative memories, grudges. It happens that the person hurt in school, and he remembers it all their lives. Some studies even show that it insults cause severe diseases such as cancer. Do not suppress the memories, or to ignore them. But, if the memories come, it is necessary to observe them without emotional coloring; yes, it has been and gone. It should even draw a shemku: draw a straight line and mark on it all the times when you happen something unpleasant. And at this point to draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine the energy of love fills these periods. And if once or twice do it sincerely, it is usually negative thoughts go.
● also advisable to take a shower for the emotional state - cool in the morning and evening warm. You could even say, "Where the water there and the trouble" (sleep, illness, etc...). This, incidentally, was made in Russia, I was taught that the Slavic healers. Thus it is necessary to imagine that water from you all the trouble goes away.
● Communicate with interesting, wise men, which may have something to teach.
Very useful mild forms of meditation. Now, many believe, to meditate, to be a yogi or to live in the Himalayas. But this is not the case. If you were upset in the evening from work, try to meditate. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breath, watch the mind. Yogis have a system of "pranayama", when a person breathes in a certain way, and all the negative out. Yet it is important to say, "I wish all the divine love" or "I wish everyone happiness" - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates your every cell and from you comes to other people. First of all your oppressors. It clears the mind.
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Prayer Joseph Murphy from disease, anxiety and fears
Prayer Joseph Murphy from disease, anxiety and fears
"From time to time during the day, I will switch attention from the troubles and strife of the outside world to the Divine Presence is inside me and come into contact with this inner divine intelligence.
I know that anything spiritually and mentally, and Divine Peace River runs through my mind. Infinite Intelligence offers me the perfect idea as to solve each problem that I encounter. I reject the influence of all external, transient and affirm the sovereignty of the presence and power that are inside of me. I absorb and assimilate the great truth that the infinite intelligence directs me that the Divine right action was exercising his sovereignty. Through me now passes Divine healing presence, penetrating into every atom of my being. His peace river running through my mind and heart, and I feel free, balanced, serene and peaceful. I know that the presence of the Infinite created me recover my health right now. I express my deep gratitude for the miraculous healing that is happening at the moment. "
Interesting features of the human aura
Interesting features of the human aura
Radiation aura like tentacles, or channels, sending and receiving vibrations from the unseen and the visible world. Aura transmits vibration by consonance. Joy can be extracted from the space joy, grief - tears, evil - evil, sadness - sadness, discouragement - discouragement. In what condition is contained aura, so is getting outside revenues.
Aura - is an open book, in which the essence of man to read freely. It captures that level, which reached the man on the ladder of life.
The interaction of human auras - the process is very complicated. Each contact aura mutually clarified or withdrawn. No contact is not without consequences. Living among people, it is impossible to dissociate itself from these influences. The most important thing at the same time to retain the individual character of his own consciousness, and not give it to dissolve under the influence of the group. strong spirit magnet magnetization-reversal weaker aura.
People nice for some, can be very unpleasant for others. It comes from the similarity or divergence of auras. When two auras sozvuchat in harmony, they are drawn to each other.
The interaction with the aura surrounding the human world can be controlled. A common mistake is often that people try to change external conditions and affect them, while it is necessary to act on its own aura and modify its radiation. Mastering the emissions of its aura and the ability to polarize them to give the desired wave in human hands the ability to control the other person's radiation. If the answer to stimulation stimulation, it will increase by half. If the fear of radiation emissions to meet the waves full of balance and tranquility, the fear will be neutralized, that is repaid. In the same way, you can demagnetize hatred with love. In every sense, the subject of polarization, it is necessary to bring him to the contrary, its antipode. Do not touch anyone, do not affect anyone, but we must be able to influence themselves, that is forcing its radiation to be determined, the desired tone.
The essence of man is expressed in its very own breath and the smell can be determined exactly. The smell of the human form is characterized in the same way as the color of the aura. Can not bright aura of stench or smell sweet evil, but we must be able to distinguish between - some incense yadonosny.
Everything smells good, but smells bad. Good and evil are very specific phenomena that darken or lightening the human aura.
Nothing demagnetize aura as chatter and unwanted conversations. The listener is always less loses, even if the difference in emissions.
His own aura burn not only the erratic movements, but also the same words. No wonder folk wisdom says the golden silence. Rich fiery silence is a sign of a great spirit of culture. In the words of lies more than people think. Knowing will not wordy. Also oberezhetsya it from the impact of alien word
Diseases, their causes and karmic healing methods.
Diseases, their causes and karmic healing methods
Disease-it is a signal that the person has ceased to live in harmony with the universe, violating its laws. The subconscious mind through the disease states that we overreacted react to life events do not do their job. A person born with a disease or problem in the family, is the karma of past incarnations, and his task: to understand their mistakes, be kind to the people to turn out good karma.If a person is born healthy, but sick, then I made some mistake, violated a law of nature, accumulated negative karma. Children bolezni- reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents.
This is a signal to the whole family. Normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child.
As the saying goes "all diseases of the nerves."
Calm relaxed people with an optimistic mindset rarely get sick and live longer. A man surrounded by energy envelope and is impregnated with energy. He always gives up energy and gets it from all that surrounds it and than concentrated his attention.
From the positive emotions and feelings of the amount of energy increases, fueled by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love.
The amount of energy is reduced if a person is experiencing anger, irritation, depression, distrust, envy, jealousy, fear.
From the amount of energy it depends on the human aura, which protects it from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is exhausted, then there are a variety of illnesses, including death.
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SPEECH - is a manifestation of LIFE FORCE
The most important thing for us is that the language - this is prayers, mantras and discussion topics, approaches the divine. It is also possible, as appropriate to discuss practical matters, to communicate with loved ones. But, most importantly, do not overdo it. Ayurveda says that it - it is a manifestation of Prana. Prana - the life force, the Universal energy. The more prana, the more healthy, successful, charismatic and harmonious people. So, first of all, the prana is expended when a person says. Especially when someone criticizes, condemns the claims being mothers. According to statistics, 90% of all fights is due to the fact that we are talking about someone bad.
The most successful people are the ones that are nice to say and know how to control their speech. In the Bhagavad-gita says that the austerity of speech is the ability to speak the truth pleasant words. People who speak rudely, take in all the hierarchies of the last places. This also applies to countries as a whole. Please note that countries with high culture of speech more successful - Japan, Germany, and indeed all the member states of the Group of Eight. Although there is now happening cultural degeneration, including the degradation of speech and culture. And it affects the economy and in the spiritual life as a whole. In the East, a person who is elementary can not control his speech, is considered a very primitive, although it can be a professor in the West.
Karma is determined by our speech
It is important to remember that if we criticize someone, you incur negative karma and bad qualities of character of the man. Thus, the law of karma. And as we take the quality of the person, which is praise. Therefore the Vedas call always talking about God and the saints, and to praise them. This is the easiest way to find the divine qualities. That is, if you want to acquire some quality, you just have to read about some saint who possesses them or with someone to discuss its quality. It has long been observed that we acquire the quality of the man, which we think, and therefore speak. Therefore, even the Western psychologists are advised to think and talk about successful and harmonious people. But the more in our selfishness and envy, the harder we talk about someone well. We must learn not to criticize anybody. I had one patient who sign on to a specific year was supposed to be a serious illness, but it was all fine. I asked him what he started to do this year. He replied that the vow that no one will criticize. And he said that really noticed that his life has improved, his spiritual practice has reached a new level.
Those who criticize us, gives us a positive karma and takes away our bad. Therefore, in the Vedas always thought that it was good when we are criticized. As it works to our karma? In the "Mahabharata," says that if you have something planned, something you want to do, no one does not say. As soon as you say this is 80% less likely, that this would happen, especially if you have shared with envious, greedy man. Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully, reaching more? They do not lose energiyu.Drugoe simple rule associated with the speech - if we do someone something good and it boasted before the other, then at that moment we lose the positive karma and all the fruit of piety, who have earned this act. Bouncer little to reach. Therefore, we should never brag about their achievements, since at this point we lose all the fruits that have earned. "... Let not thy left hand know what the right" (Matthew 6: 3).
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