вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.

What is the treatment of bioenergy?

What is the treatment of bioenergy? 

It is necessary to consider the human body as a single complex system, in which all functions are interrelated. Dowsing method available to you to identify the body all the energy deviation from the norm, and to determine whether the bio-field energy of others, "Aliens", which brought negative information (evil eye, corruption, and so on. D.), Check whether the polarity bionolya broken. At the end of the diagnosis to make bio-ensrgeticheskuyu correction of biofield, t. E. On the energy-plan to eliminate all unnecessary and add the missing. In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice - consider in detail the possible actions of bioenergy.
   Of course, to deal with bioenergy therapy, you need to have your own energy level greater than normal several times. Otherwise, you can very quickly get the information of the patient. And if your hand does not go powerful energy flows, your passes near the patient's performance will not be more than a mere waving of hands, and the only result will be to discredit the direction of alternative medicine.
   As is known, the energy of each human chakra different from each other in frequency and, respectively, the chromaticity. Warm energy sources (red, orange) activates processes in the body at the cellular level, cold (purple, blue, light blue) have a sedative effect. Therefore, we must learn to radiate from the palms and fingers of the energy needed for the color. Imagine that in humans there was some kind of a neoplasm or tumor of which the person has no idea. Acting on this tumor warm forms of energy, you can greatly enhance its growth, while cold species can suppress the negative processes and at the same time, the "burn" cold this tumor. And since the main principle of any kind of treatment, "Do no harm!", It is better to produce energy impact, for example, only purple.
   Before treatment, make the necessary set of energy and prepare their own hands to work. Of course, there are many approaches, techniques and practices in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. I work with the patient I describe, based on his personal experience.
   Ask the patient about the reasons that led it to you. It can be a pain in some organs or body parts, depression, weakness, conflict relations in the family or with some people, the constant string of bad luck, enuresis, stuttering, alcohol, or tobacco addiction, poor health in a particular room, and so on. etc. depending on the response received, it is necessary to pay special attention to some. | specific aspects.
   Patient sits on a chair in the middle of the cabinet, thus providing the possibility of their moving around him. (If necessary, put it in front of him). Put a separate protection for the patient and for themselves, thereby reducing the possibility of information transfer disease. Getting the diagnosis by means of the frame (or other means of dowsing). The open palm of his left hand, as the antenna is directed to the patient's right hand frame aim at him like a gun, his mind (or out loud) ask the question: "Does someone else's energy pendant available from this man?" (Or "Do whammy there? "). If you receive a positive answer, you can find a series of specific questions, if you need it, the localization of the evil eye. Clarifying questions may be of the type: "Hex above the waist?" "The front?" "Against the back of the head?" And TD Having identified the location of this strange suspension, you can clearly presenting their long astral fingers on his right hand, embrace them this clot of a strange energy and pull it out of the biofield. Visualize on the floor beside you astral fire and burn it in the clot. Several of these actions are usually enough to get rid of the evil eye. Result you can check again by asking: "Is there evil eye?" And received the answer with the help of the frame. It is necessary to consider the human body as a single complex system, in which all functions are interrelated. Dowsing method available to you to identify the body all the energy deviation from the norm, and to determine whether the bio-field energy of others, "Aliens", which brought negative information (evil eye, corruption, and so on. D.), Check whether the polarity bionolya broken. At the end of the diagnosis to make bio-ensrgeticheskuyu correction of biofield, t. E. On the energy-plan to eliminate all unnecessary and add the missing. In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice - consider in detail the possible actions of bioenergy.
   Of course, to deal with bioenergy therapy, you need to have your own energy level greater than normal several times. Otherwise, you can very quickly get the information of the patient. And if your hand does not go powerful energy flows, your passes near the patient's performance will not be more than a mere waving of hands, and the only result will be to discredit the direction of alternative medicine.
   As is known, the energy of each human chakra different from each other in frequency and, respectively, the chromaticity. Warm energy sources (red, orange) activates processes in the body at the cellular level, cold (purple, blue, light blue) have a sedative effect. Therefore, we must learn to radiate from the palms and fingers of the energy needed for the color. Imagine that in humans there was some kind of a neoplasm or tumor of which the person has no idea. Acting on this tumor warm forms of energy, you can greatly enhance its growth, while cold species can suppress the negative processes and at the same time, the "burn" cold this tumor. And since the main principle of any kind of treatment, "Do no harm!", It is better to produce energy impact, for example, only purple.
   Before treatment, make the necessary set of energy and prepare their own hands to work. Of course, there are many approaches, techniques and practices in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. I work with the patient I describe, based on his personal experience.
   Ask the patient about the reasons that led it to you. It can be a pain in some organs or body parts, depression, weakness, conflict relations in the family or with some people, the constant string of bad luck, enuresis, stuttering, alcohol, or tobacco addiction, poor health in a particular room, and so on. etc. depending on the response received, it is necessary to pay special attention to some. | specific aspects.
   Patient sits on a chair in the middle of the cabinet, thus providing the possibility of their moving around him. (If necessary, put it in front of him). Put a separate protection for the patient and for themselves, thereby reducing the possibility of information transfer disease. Getting the diagnosis by means of the frame (or other means of dowsing). The open palm of his left hand, as the antenna is directed to the patient's right hand frame aim at him like a gun, his mind (or out loud) ask the question: "Does someone else's energy pendant available from this man?" (Or "Do whammy there? "). If you receive a positive answer, you can find a series of specific questions, if you need it, the localization of the evil eye. Clarifying questions may be of the type: "Hex above the waist?" "The front?" "Against the back of the head?" And TD Having identified the location of this strange suspension, you can clearly presenting their long astral fingers on his right hand, embrace them this clot of a strange energy and pull it out of the biofield. Visualize on the floor beside you astral fire and burn it in the clot. Several of these actions are usually enough to get rid of the evil eye. Result you can check again by asking: "Is there evil eye?" And received the answer with the help of the frame.

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