вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.



Traditional medicine eliminates disturbances in humans using drugs, different procedures, surgery and so on. D. If we can restore the body to its original form, and his aura is also restored. And if by some method to restore the body energy, it will be restored and the organ itself. To restore the power it is not necessary to have medical knowledge, although a clear understanding and knowledge of body shape performed imfunktsy energy efficiency of treatment is significantly strengthened.
   The ability to have medical knowledge is not for everyone, but to engage in self-energy capable of every human being.
   Suppose you have foot problems. Hence, they are already at the cellular level disturbances in some of the tissues. Accordingly, there were violations on the energy level, and present information on the processes that support this state. How can self-correct this negative information? Lying or sitting, his legs stretched out, imagine that you have appeared in the abdomen "pump". As you inhale, imagine that this pump through your toes draws in toes white liquid energy. This energy fills completely the legs and the lower part of the spinal column (the cause of leg disease may be there). As you exhale, imagine the pump pushes out through the fingers that energy down. But, since this white liquid captures black clots of negative energy from the sick parts of the legs, it becomes black. And this black liquid dripping from his fingers in the chute, which goes through the wall of the street. The next breath - again filling feet of white energy, breathing out - pushing it. And so over and over again for 10-15 minutes. Imagine that gradually black negative energy clots in the legs are reduced in size, and eventually disappear altogether, and the energy of the liquid coming out of the legs, gradually brightens, then becomes all white. The number of sessions is determined by the degree of deviation from the norm of your feet. Excess energy in such cleaning does not happen.
   This technique feet treatment in patients allowed to not only heal those legs where there was some kind of irreversible processes, but also to restore dry out legs due to activation of cells and even to avoid operations in the wrong accrete fracture. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the definition of mental representation of the processes. For example, if you are lying sick because of illness feet, you should always present themselves running around, dancing and so on. D. This lays the necessary information in your brain, which the body converts to a certain biochemical processes.
   The same principle can be used for self-treatment arm. Imagine a patient's hand in the form of hose dropped into a barrel with a white liquid energy, and "pump" is located in the shoulder. Similarly, while inhaling, imagine filling the hands of white power and eject clusters of negative energy from her breath.
   If you have a broken limb, then the self-treatment of the energy in the energy washing it, you must submit the bone at the fracture site in the natural, is not damaged state. Of course, such treatment should be carried out in parallel with the usual medical treatment.
   mental "ball" can be used in the case of the injured limb. This passes the ball carefully on the healthy limb, "memorizing" the path of the status of all the bones, ligaments, blood vessels and joints, and then it moves on the affected limb, handing her health information. This process is necessary to carry out repeatedly.
   With self-treatment of back, you can use a variety of techniques. You can, for example, imagine your spine in a certain pipeline, which passes inspiratory flow of energy from the Earth into space, and on the exhale from space to Earth. Be clear, in this case of the spine are carried clots of negative energy, is the dissolution of salt deposits on the spine and vertebrae are white, clean and moving. Possible to use another technique. Imagine that you have someone inserts a red-hot rod from the top down, starting with the first thoracic vertebra to the coccyx. This pin is flexible, and if any of your inclinations it conforms to the shape of the spinal column. He puts the vertebrae in place and dissolves the salt deposits on them. Repeat this procedure several times every day.
   For headaches, depending on their nature and causes, you can use different methods to address them. If you have high blood pressure and know that your headache is caused by high blood pressure, try to imagine yourself standing in the pouring rain. Streams of water flow through you from the top down, and falling under the clothes, causing discomfort and drain the legs into the ground. Very clearly imagine this state, feel it for ten minutes in a row. Thus, your imagination will create energetic rain that the power of your mind is moving downwards, dragging and fluids (blood, lymph) inside your body. Your blood pressure is clearly the work of your imagination is required to be reduced.
   To reduce the pressure, you can also imagine that you are breathing through the skin of the whole body, sitting in the bath with water. Thus, you harmonize your inner pressure with the outside.
   In order to reduce the rise in blood pressure, a course of respiratory exercises in one of the eastern system - a breath made through the protruding tongue, folded tube, after a maximum delay of breath - exhale through the nose.
   To eliminate the headaches at an elevated pressure can be put in the right hand area of ​​the heart for 3-5 minutes. left hand while lying on the shoulder of temper.
   Under reduced pressure, imagine that you are in the open air and breathe the whole body through the skin.
   Try it yourself to get rid of the headaches by eliminating their causes. After all, the use of tablets is only a struggle with the investigation with temporary success.
   If your headache occurs in a specific location of the head, so it has some kind of violation. Whatever it may be (hematoma, broken capillaries, energy clot and so on. D.), Present in the place clot black negative anergy (eg, black ice ball). Make mental energy breath through the top of the head, accompanied by the flow of energy in the direction of the black ball and make it through the breath out. What will happen to the real icicles, if to blow a stream of hot air? It is made of thick becomes porous and will shrink in size. That's the same thing, imagine with each breath, exhale and clotted black energy in your head. As a result of the energy work on the head, you will reduce the available narusheg of there, and it is possible that will get rid of them completely. Rag zumeetsya, it will take more than one day.

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