вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.

The rules of gaining happiness

The rules of gaining happiness

Rule №1 - Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Self-pity - the worst possible emotion. It destroys everything succumbed to her, you feel helpless. Stop being a victim, stop to feel sorry for yourself and be happy.

Rule №2 - Be thankful
The modern world is full of hustle and bustle, and we are rarely grateful for the blessings he gives us. Right now think about all the things which you are grateful: family, health, home - everything. Be grateful every day and be happy.

Rule №3 - Most say "Yes"
All we say "No!" Too often. Try to say "YES!" To all the events in your life more often. Say "Yes" to emotions, situations, social events - and be happy.

Rule №4 - Follow your state of bliss
In life, we often find ourselves halfway upward on the stairs, which do not want to climb. It would be better for us to be at the bottom of the stairs, on which we have a desire to get involved. Who do you really want to become? Follow your state of "bliss" and be happy.

Rule №5 - Learn to let go
Emotions often prevent us to feel happiness and freedom. Remember that your emotions - it's not you. Let go of unwanted emotions, ask yourself: "Can I let this situation?". Do this and you will be happy.

Rule №6 - do good deeds
There are always two sides of kindness. Showing kindness, you feel happier and spread this feeling to someone else. Do more "random acts of kindness" each day - smile at someone, hold the door, buy someone a cup of coffee - and you'll be happy.

Rule №7 - Happiness is only possible now!
Many of us spend our lives being anywhere but not in the "present". We are obsessed with their past or their plans for the future, while actually there is only the present. Decide to be happy TODAY.

Rule №8 - Do not engage in hoarding, replenish life events.
Studies show that material goods (various shopping) make us happy for a short while only. Life is experience, and experience generally bring more joy. So, enjoy the holiday, going on safari, learn a new language, join a dance club - and you'll be happy.

Rule №9 - Appreciate the two sides of the coin
How often do we try to completely "dive" in happiness and sorrow reject? But both of these emotions are just different sides of the same coin. It is impossible to find one without the other. Sadness - vital phenomenon. Resist not these emotions and you will be happy.

Rule №10 - Be more sociable
Extensive studies have shown that the happiest and most successful people have a wide circle of contacts. How many friends do you have? Be more active, get more friends and you will be happier.

Rule №11 - Love More
The more you love, the happier you become. Try to give a little more love everything around you: friends, family, nature, even enemies - open your heart - give them love and be happy!

Rule №12 - Dream
Dreams - a "spark plug" your spirit. They help you move forward. What are you dreaming about? Think about it, write down your dreams. And then implement them, and you will be happy!

Rule №13 - Intent sets the direction
Usually, there is exactly what you would expect. If you do not know where you are going, any road will suit you. Therefore, let us know what the best of intentions for all that you do, and you will be happy.

Rule №14 - Look at everything from a distance and do not worry
We are often in a new begin to look at life, surviving the loss of a family member or serious illness. However, do not expect life to remind you about the main thing in this way. Think about the true priorities right now - be happy.

Rule №15 - Take all "as is"
Many of us spend time trying to deal with the fact that "there is." We are struggling with their own emotions, nurturing a rage and indignation. Right now, take everything "as is". Change the situation, if you can, but first, take it and be happy.

Rule №16 - Take charge and eat properly
You are so happy, as it allows your lifestyle. For optimum level of happiness try to walk every day for 40 minutes. Take supplements with Omega 3 - Eat more fish, nuts, cheese. Enjoy and be happy.

Rule №17 - Laugh, dance and smile!
Laugh madness in our lives. Arrange splashes of fun and enjoyment to the maximum. Surround yourself with happiness - beautiful music, dance lessons, evenings with friends. Smile and be happy.


Happiness is much easier than we think.
As you probably already figured out, it really does not depend on what happens in our world, but rather on what is happening inside us.
Each of us has the ability to accommodate the endless happiness, unless he wants to open itself to meet him.

Remember that the Sun is always shining. Continuing ...
The only point is that too many people look at the sky and see it on the gray clouds. They focus on all gloomy and sad. People immersed in negative emotions.
Use these "rules" - they are powerful techniques that will help you get rid of "gray clouds".

You will become more intelligent, more fulfilling, more successful and, of course, a happy man.
So now SMILE!

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