понедельник, 22 февраля 2016 г.

Interesting features of the human aura

Interesting features of the human aura 

Aura Light and people playing all sorts of shades of paints and colors. Beautiful light sincere, intense love. Dark, low desire, experience and passion give the smoky, dim, ugly shaped lights. Mastering his feelings and thoughts is the mastery of their emissions.

Radiation aura like tentacles, or channels, sending and receiving vibrations from the unseen and the visible world. Aura transmits vibration by consonance. Joy can be extracted from the space joy, grief - tears, evil - evil, sadness - sadness, discouragement - discouragement. In what condition is contained aura, so is getting outside revenues.

Aura - is an open book, in which the essence of man to read freely. It captures that level, which reached the man on the ladder of life.

The interaction of human auras - the process is very complicated. Each contact aura mutually clarified or withdrawn. No contact is not without consequences. Living among people, it is impossible to dissociate itself from these influences. The most important thing at the same time to retain the individual character of his own consciousness, and not give it to dissolve under the influence of the group. strong spirit magnet magnetization-reversal weaker aura.
People nice for some, can be very unpleasant for others. It comes from the similarity or divergence of auras. When two auras sozvuchat in harmony, they are drawn to each other.

The interaction with the aura surrounding the human world can be controlled. A common mistake is often that people try to change external conditions and affect them, while it is necessary to act on its own aura and modify its radiation. Mastering the emissions of its aura and the ability to polarize them to give the desired wave in human hands the ability to control the other person's radiation. If the answer to stimulation stimulation, it will increase by half. If the fear of radiation emissions to meet the waves full of balance and tranquility, the fear will be neutralized, that is repaid. In the same way, you can demagnetize hatred with love. In every sense, the subject of polarization, it is necessary to bring him to the contrary, its antipode. Do not touch anyone, do not affect anyone, but we must be able to influence themselves, that is forcing its radiation to be determined, the desired tone.

The essence of man is expressed in its very own breath and the smell can be determined exactly. The smell of the human form is characterized in the same way as the color of the aura. Can not bright aura of stench or smell sweet evil, but we must be able to distinguish between - some incense yadonosny.
Everything smells good, but smells bad. Good and evil are very specific phenomena that darken or lightening the human aura.

Nothing demagnetize aura as chatter and unwanted conversations. The listener is always less loses, even if the difference in emissions.
His own aura burn not only the erratic movements, but also the same words. No wonder folk wisdom says the golden silence. Rich fiery silence is a sign of a great spirit of culture. In the words of lies more than people think. Knowing will not wordy. Also oberezhetsya it from the impact of alien word

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